We Are In the March Issue of All You!
/I'm so happy to announce Savingsmania is featured in the March 2013 issue of All You. Be sure to pick up a copy and let me know what you think!
I'm so happy to announce Savingsmania is featured in the March 2013 issue of All You. Be sure to pick up a copy and let me know what you think!
Photo credit: CNNMoney.com
Do you have old cell phones at home? Would you like to recycle them for cash? Keep reading!
Here’s how it works: You place your device in the machine, while a little robot man talks soothingly about what he’s doing — scanning the phone to get its specs and figure out what it’ll be worth. It then throws out a price — anywhere from something like $6 for an old BlackBerry or $250 for an iPhone 4S —
There are currently 185 of these machines in 13 states, but the founder hopes to have thousands in the very near future.
Source: Consumerist.com
Have you seen these super cute Halloween buckets from McDonald's? I just picked up one!
I love the Bakerella cake pop books, so many cute ideas! She has a new book that will be out on Oct.17th, holiday cake pops! Click below to preorder!
Skip the drive through. Check out the real McDonald's Egg McMuffin recipe:
Celebrate the 40th birthday of the McDonald's McMuffin with this recipe.
In a non slick pan over medium heat lightly spray the pan with a vegetable oil spray
Place a ring mold in the center of the pan and add the cracked egg and break the yolk
Add a small amount of water (approximately ¼ Cup) to the panaround the outside the ring and cover the pan with a lid to allow the egg to steam, approximately 3 -4 minutes
Slice and toast the English muffin and lightly spread with the margarine
When the egg is cooked, carefully remove it from the pan and the ring and set aside. Remove excess waterfrom the pan (if any). Place the pan back on the burner and add the Canadian bacon to quickly warm through
Putting it Together:
Place the cheese down first on the bottom half of the English muffin, then place the Round Egg, then the Canadian bacon and lastly the English muffin top.
Recipe courtesy McDonald's.
This recipe was styled by chef Karen Pickus for Good Morning America.
Source: ABC.com
I have been a Bakerella fan for a long time. I subscribe to her newsletter and when I found out she has a new toy line coming out, I was so excited!
From her newsletter:
This is The Ultimate Cake Pops Set and it comes with a sweet cake pop stand, cake pop tray, mixing bowl, dipping bowl, cake crumbler, and presses to help you make four different cake pop shapes. And there’s lollipop sticks and an instructional placemat, too.
Just grab some cake, frosting and candy coating and kids can start creating.
They’ll call it an excuse to play with their food. And I hope they have a blast doing it.
This is going to be very high on many wish lists this Christmas!
Krispy Kreme is releasing two new donuts, just in time for State Fair season: Cotton Candy and the Caramel Apple Cake Donut. The Cotton Candy donut is an original Krispy Kreme glazed donut, dipped in cotton candy sugar and the Caramel Apple Cake donut is an apple donut drizzled with caramel icing.
Source: Huffington Post
I love this list! This is courtesy of Cameron Huddleston, Kiplinger.com-
Plant a garden. My kids love planting seeds in the spring and watching them grow through the summer. Have a water balloon fight. Let the kids toss water balloons at each other or you. My youngest daughter loves the chance to soak her dad. Go bowling. The Kids Bowl Free program allows kids to play two free games a day at participating bowling centers. Watch birds. My friend and her two sons take their binoculars and a book of their state's native birds to the backyard and try to identify as many birds as possible. Create a water park in the backyard. Turn on the sprinkler, fill the baby pool, get out the Slip 'N Slide and let the kids have fun cooling off on a hot day. Take a bubble bath outside. If the kids are tiring of the inflatable pool, make it fun again by filling it with bubbles -- and tossing small toys in for them to find under all the foam. Visit the public library. Public libraries often offer free summer reading programs that include workshops, movies, children's theater, puppet shows and more. Or just check out how-to books so you and your kids can learn something new together. Start a book club. Create a summer reading list for your kids, then discuss the books after they read them. Invite their friends to participate, too. Listen to a concert in park. Many cities have free summer concert series during the day or evening. Go to a museum. If you have a Bank of America or Merrill Lynch credit or debit card, you can get a free ticket on the first Saturday of every month to 150 participating museums (in 31 states). Check out the Bank of America Museums on Us program for more details. Also check with museums in your hometown to see if they offer any freebies for kids. Participate in a workshop. Home Depot has free workshops for kids ages 5 to 12 on the first Saturday of every month between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Kids make a craft they can keep. Kids can build a wooden project at Lowe's free kids clinics on weekends. See free or cheap movies. Many theaters have free or cheap ($1 to $2) showings of family-friendly movies on weekday mornings. Check the Web sites of theaters in your city. Many advertise their summer movie programs on their homepage. Otherwise, check the site's specials or values page. Make a movie with your video recorder, smart phone or iPad. If your computer came with free movie-editing software (most do), upload the video and add special effects to it. Stage a play. If you're not technically inclined or don't have movie-making equipment, encourage the kids to create a play instead. Be Jackson Pollock (the artist known for his drip/splatter painting). Grab a large piece of material, sheet or canvas and let the kids splatter it with paint outside. Pitch a tent in the backyard and roast hot dogs and marshmallows if you have a fire pit (or on the grill). Collect bugs. Send the kids out at night with jars to catch (and release) lightning bugs, or let them search for creepy crawlies during the day. Take a hike along nature trails or at a nearby forest. Play in a creek. Our daughters loved wading and catching tadpoles in a creek that runs through a public park in our county so much that they asked to go back the next day. Have a scavenger hunt. Hide items in your house or yard, then give the kids a list of the items and see who can find them the fastest. Create comic books, then share them with the family. Make a cardboard box house and let the kids decorate it with paint or markers. My kids spend hours in their box house. Build a fort. If you don't have a big box, build a fort with sheets and blankets instead. Invent something using old parts or things from around the house that you don't need. Decorate windows with washable window markers. Set up a spa. Paint your kids' nails, do their hair and apply makeup -- or let them provide spa services to you. Visit the fire station. My kids loved visiting the fire station, where fire fighters would let them sit in their big fire engines and load them up with stickers, coloring books and more. Conduct a science experiment. My kids never seem to tire of the science experiments their dad conducts (even the simple "volcano" made with baking soda, vinegar and food coloring). So pick up a book on kid-friendly science experiments at the library or bookstore and amaze your children. Launch a rocket. Probably the best $15 we spent was on the Stomp Rocket, which has four foam rockets kids can propel into the air by stomping on a launch pad. Whenever my children's friends visit, they compete to see who can send the rockets the farthest down the hallway. Bake. Let the kids help you make cookies, a cake, anything. We fill plastic condiment dispensers with pancake batter and let kids create shapes in the frying pan (we do the flipping). Go on a picnic. A meal is more fun on a blanket in the park, woods or even the backyard. Fly a kite after your picnic (or anytime there's a good breeze). Create obstacle course in the backyard and let the kids race. Visit a construction site. For little boys (or girls) who love hammering, sawing and big machines, let them be mesmerized by all the action at a construction site. Have a dance party. Play your kids' favorite tunes and let them boogie. Play in rain. The kids will love the chance to do something that's taboo. Have a tea party. Pull out those fancy silver trays or plates you never use (or stick with plastic for toddlers), pile on some cookies and treats, and get dressed for high tea. Participate in nature programs. City park systems that have nature centers usually offer free programs for children that let them explore the outdoor world. Play hide and seek. Its' a favorite at our house, and you can do it indoors or outdoors. Build ice castles. Freeze water in plastic containers of various sizes then let the kids take the ice blocks outside and create castles with them. Play charades. My family played this when I was a teen, and we'd try to come up with impossibly difficult things to act out. If you have an iPad, download the free Charadium app -- it's loads of fun. Have an egg toss, then hose the kids down after (if your kids are squeamish, avoid this activity). Visit a pet store. Think of it as a mini petting zoo. Just warn the kids before you go that you won't be bringing home a pet (unless you actually want to). You also could take the kids to the humane society, which might need volunteers to walk the dogs. Take a trip to the dollar store. My sister used to take my kids to the dollar store for a little math lesson. She would tell them how much they could spend, and they had to find items that didn't exceed that amount. Make instruments. Rainsticks are easy to assemble by filling a paper-towel tube with rice and crumpled wiring (or something to make the rice move slower) and covering the ends with paper and tape. Or get really creative and create enough instruments for an entire band, as these Florida high-school students did with items found in the trash (see 'The Garbage Men' Rock a Trashy Sound) Learn a language. Check with your public library to see if offers free programs online. Or visit YouTube and type in, for example, Spanish lessons. Travel the world without leaving home. Learn about other countries (using Wikipedia) and make their traditional meals (with help from the kids) for dinner. Create a driving obstacle course with orange cones for teen drivers and award them points for accuracy (not speed). Look at the stars. You can download an app that helps you identify constellations -- or check out a book from the library. If there's an observatory or planetarium in your town, see if it offers free shows. Teach your kids money skills. See Kiplinger's Editor Janet Bodnar's list of games, Web sites and books that teach personal finance.
For the Ikea shoppers! Hopefully soon, they will be releasing the new Ikea app in the United States. Right now, it's just for Canada.
This would make shoppping @ Ikea a lot easier!
Extreme Couponing is back on TV with new episodes on May 28th.
Will you be watching?
I'm not sure if I will. With all the coupon fraud going on in many of the episodes, the producers of the show don't seem to care what some of their couponers are doing is wrong.
Photo: Huffington Post
Love Girl Scout cookies? Then get ready to Girl Scout Cookie candy bars! They'll be offering the following flavors: Thin Mint, Caramel & Coconut, and Peanut Butter Creme.
Cheesecake Factory fans, check out these Cheesecake Factory recipes you can make at home!
I love all the Real Housewives shows and this one looks hilarious! See the Real Housewives of Disney!
Jimmy Fallon, raising the bar for hilarious Downton Abbey spoofs- see it here.
Ikea has just come out with a new product- the Uppleva- a TV with built-in Blu-ray/DVD player with surround sound, in an all in one unit. All cables and wires are also stowed away inside the furniture it's set in, says Engadget.
It incorporates USB inputs and HDMI ports for any additional wires you need to attach, FM radio and internet connectivity. It is going to cost around $960.
Would you want your furniture permanently attached to your TV? What do you think?
Source: Consumerist.com
Are you organizing a card shower? Hallmark makes it easy!
Go here to sign up!
My son Cam has been obsessed with LEGOs since age 5. So when I saw this new LEGO-related product on Martha Stewart today, I knew he and all LEGO fans, would love it!
Brick Stix are stickers made to go on LEGOs. Best of all they are reusable and won't ruin the LEGOs. They come in all kinds of patterns, shapes and more.
Angry Bird is the hot new sensation right now. Swaddle Designs has just released a line of Angry Bird blankets, swaddlers and more!
Go here for more info.
Have you seen these cute customizable Krispy Kreme e-cards? So cute!
Send your cards here.