55 Things Only 90's Teen Girls Understand

This article brought back to many memories for me, being in high school in the early 90's. Here are some of my reflections..

  1. Sassy magazine, the best!!
  2. Didn't have the Sunflowers perfume, but LOVED Loves Baby Soft. And Debbie Gibson's perfume!
  3. Yes, 90210!! One of my fave shows and also watched Melrose Place.
  4. Beepers, so funny. Never had one but paged friends on them.
  5. Titanic!! Still one of my fave movies.
  6. Teen Spirit, my fave deodorant, they made wearing deodorant look so fun.
  7. Cassingles!!! I miss the good old cassette tapes.
  8. Brad Pitt. Legends of the Fall. Oh My.
  9. Oodles of Caboodles. Still my fave, have several new ones!
  10. Snack Well's. Still love the Devil's Food cookies, little bites of addiction.
  11. Snapple. Love, love, love Snapple Cranberry. They don't sell it in OH, only seem to be able to find it in NY, MA, east coast.
  12. Yes, disposable cameras!! I had these at my wedding in 1999!! Ok, now I feel old!

The Most Passive Aggressive Cat In The World

As everyone knows, I have 2 cats, Pookie and Breezie (Coco sadly passed away recently, he had gotten ill), and to me, my cats are like my little kids. Especially Pookie, who acts like a little kid! As pictured left, he is always running around, "talking" to us in his meow-meow voice, getting into mischief and he loves Meow Mix Pate toppers.

So when I read this very hilarious Buzzfeed article, I knew I had to share it with all of you who love cats. You will love it! Read it here.

Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Study: What Your Fave Flavor Says About You

What's your favorite ice cream? Mine is cookie dough. I found this study very interesting!

Here are some of the surprising results from the study from Baskin Robbins:

  • If your favorite flavor is Vanilla, you’re more likely to be impulsive, easily suggestible and an idealist.
  • If your favorite flavor is Chocolate, you’re more likely to be dramatic, lively, charming, flirtatious, seductive and gullible.
  • If your favorite flavor is, Very Berry Strawberry, you’re more likely to be a tolerant, devoted and an introvert.
  • If your favorite flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip, you’re more likely to be argumentative, frugal and cautious.
  • If your favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, you’re more likely to be ambitious, competitive and a visionary.
  • If your favorite flavor is Pralines ‘n Cream, you’re more likely to be loving, supportive and prefer to avoid the spotlight.
  • If your favorite flavor is Jamoca (i.e. coffee), you’re more likely to be scrupulous, conscientious and a moral perfectionist.
  • If your favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip, you’re more likely to be generous, competent and a go getter.
  • If your favorite flavor is Rainbow Sherbet, you’re more likely to be analytic, decisive and a pessimistic.
  • If your favorite flavor is Rocky Road, you’re more likely to be aggressive, engaging and a good listener.