New Cool App: Recifoto- Save and Share Vintage Recipes

Have any old recipes from grandma? There is a really cool new app I had to share with you! Have you heard of Recifoto?

This free new app is like Instagram for recipes. Users snap photos of physical recipes, then upload them to an eternally scrolling feed.

Much like Instagram, you can “follow” folks whose taste you trust--and hashtag, “like” and comment on their posts accordingly. Unlike Instagram, you can also save your favorites within the app itself, meaning next time you want to make that avocado soup you saw in your feed, you don’t have to dig around searching for it.

So cool! Download here.


The 11 Worst Types Of People You Get Stuck Behind In Line At The Grocery Store

Ok, honestly, I am 2 and 10. But I have learned to not use coupons in the self-serve lane because they ALWAYS lock up the register, I don't know why. And then you have to wait for a non-existent cashier to come and unlock the register, as the light flashes annoyingly. I don't use coupons every grocery trip, but when they are having 10/$10 or other good stock up sales, I usually have a lot of coupons. 
I am really starting to love the Giant Eagle eOffers, that go directly on the Giant Eagle card. Also, when I am up in the Sandusky area, I like using themPerks at Meijer.


8 Helpful Sleep Tips

I don’t know about you, but I struggle with insomnia. But here are a few tips and tricks that I use to get a good night’s sleep: 

  1. Make sure your mattress is comfortable. A few years ago, we had a really bad mattress and it made sleeping pretty much impossible. We finally bought a new mattress and our problems were solved! We also got a really nice bedding sets and that helped too.
  2. Keep the pets out. I find that my cat Breezie is especially annoying at night, trying to get my attention when I am trying to sleep. Worth it to shut the door!
  3. Be careful what you eat before bed. I know if I eat anything spicy or chocolate before bed, I am going to have issues with being too awake and sometimes heartburn. So it’s worth it to plan out meals and snacks.
  4. Stick to a sleep schedule. I tend to go to bed late at night, as I am up working, but I find when I go to bed at a more reasonable time, like 11 pm instead of 1 am, I feel much better in the morning.
  5. Get a walk in a few times a week. If you don’t hit the gym weekly, be sure to take a walk a few times a week. This will not only relieve stress, it will help you sleep better.
  6. Managing stress is essential. There is so much to deal with in this fast-paced world. Relaxing before bed, with my nice luxury bedding and a good book is a great way to rewind.
  7. Turn off the electronics. I find myself reading on my iPad with the bright light or checking my email before bed. Its not only a distraction, it can wreck havoc on my sleep!
  8. Know when to get diagnosed for sleep issues. If you are finding that you are snoring, waking up with a headache, dealing with being tired all day, you may want to talk with your doctor about visiting a sleep clinic. By staying overnight at a sleep clinic, a doctor can monitor and diagnose exactly what is going wrong with your sleep. With simple lifestyle changes, medications and sometimes a sleep mask, your sleep problems can be solved.

75 Fun Family Holiday Traditions

Here are 75 fun holiday tradition ideas!
  1. Have a cookie exchange
  2. Make gingerbread houses
  3. Watch a Christmas movie as a family
  4. Memorize and recite the Christmas story from Luke 2
  5. Drive around looking at Christmas lights
  6. Make baked goods for your neighbors
  7. Visit a nursing home and sing Christmas carols
  8. Have a kids Christmas party
  9. Decorate your house together (inside and out)
  10. Read a classic Christmas story like “A Christmas Carol”
  11. Give a secret gift to someone in need
  12. Make a special meal together
  13. Go to a candlelight service on Christmas Eve
  14. Cook up the same old family recipe ever Christmas Eve
  15. Christmas caroling for shut-ins from your Church or community
  16. Plan a cookie baking party
  17. Go to a farm and cut your own Christmas tree
  18. Decorate your tree while drinking eggnog and eating a special snack
  19. Buy a new ornament for each child relating to a life event that year
  20. Make a family keepsake craft or project
  21. Allow the children to arrange the family Nativity scene
  22. By an Advent devotional book to read throughout the season
  23. Write a Christmas letter with family news from the year
  24. Read the Christmas story… and the resurrection story
  25. Participate in Operation Christmas Child
  26. Contribute to the Knit Together In Love scarf project
  27. Deliver cookies and treats to emergency service men and women
  28. Give your pastor(s) a thank you and Christmas gift
  29. Sing in a church or community Christmas choir
  30. Open one gift on Christmas Eve
  31. Buy or make new Pjs for Christmas morning
  32. Have a special Christmas brunch
  33. Skype loved ones who live far away
  34. Decorate your tree the weekend after Thanksgiving
  35. Choose an old Christmas recording (Bing Crosby, etc.) to start the season with
  36. Play Christmas music in the house all season long
  37. Listen to a Christmas radio station in the car
  38. Do a Christmas countdown calendar
  39. Take family photos
  40. Video Christmas morning
  41. Watch old home videos
  42. Have a race to see who can get their Christmas shopping done first
  43. Read about Christmas traditions in other countries
  44. Find and read a book of Christmas legends
  45. Let children circle gift ideas in store catalogs
  46. Make and share a yearly Christmas list
  47. Let kids draw names to decide who to buy a gift for
  48. Give children “jobs” around the house to earn money to buy gifts
  49. Sponsor a Child or special project from Allow the Children
  50. Buy each child a fun new pare of sock or slippers for Christmas morning
  51. Make ornaments for the tree
  52. String a garland out of popcorn and cranberries
  53. Make your own Christmas cards as a family
  54. Make gift baskets with goodies for friends and family
  55. Let the young kids do their Christmas shopping at the Dollar Store
  56. Donate clothes or food to a shelter
  57. Hide a gift or make a scavenger hunt for the kids on Christmas Eve
  58. Host a wrapping party
  59. Go see a live nativity
  60. Go to a Christmas play or concert
  61. Have kids act out the Christmas story
  62. Have a game night with hot chocolate and cookies
  63. Invite someone without family to Christmas dinner
  64. Tell stories or have grandparents tell stories about past Christmases as a child
  65. Campout in the family room with sleeping bags after you’ve decorated the tree
  66. Memorize a Christmas poem or write your own
  67. Construct a manger out of wood and place it under the tree
  68. Make birthday card for Jesus
  69. Make a birthday cake for Jesus
  70. Have a birthday party for Jesus with the neighborhood kids
  71. Look at old Christmas photo albums
  72. Make Christmas treats for pets, wrap and place under the tree
  73. Buy a mini tree at the dollar store for each child’s bedroom
  74. Decorate a tree or house for an elderly person (after Christmas go back and help put the decorations away)
  75. Secretly give gifts for the 12 Days of Christmas to a neighbor

Source: The Better Mom