What to Buy During July

1. Air Conditioners Bargains on Air Conditioners begin in July, especially around the holiday weekend. If you can wait until September even better, and the absolute best time to buy air conditioners is in the winter, especially October through February.

2. Major Appliances  I'm sure you've noticed the July 4th Sales popping up all over the television from your local appliance stores. Holiday weekends around major holidays such as July 4th are great times of year to find bargains from anywhere up to about 50% off. 

3. Home Decor July is still wedding season, so look for bargains this month on home decor  gift items such as linens.

4. Furniture New furniture styles hit the stores two times of the year and August is one of them. Look for great sales in July as furniture retailers look to clear out their showrooms.

5. Computers It's back to school sale time for computers and sales can be found. Look specifically for computers that are being replaced by newer models.

6. Summer Wear The deeper into summer we get the deeper the discounts for summer wear get as well. Especially watch for next month's discounts on swim suits.

7. Kids' Clothing & Back to School Supplies  Sales start in July for bargains on anything related to back to school. 

8. Craft Supplies School Supplies start to go on sale in July, and along with them so do craft supplies. Enjoy the discounts and stock up the many needed tools you use to get your crafting on.

9. Grills Some sales on grills are available in July (after the July 4th holiday), but for the best deals wait until August.

10. Broadway Tickets July is a slow time for New York tourism, and big bargains can be had on Broadway tickets because of this lull. Beat the heat, go inside, and enjoy a great show on the cheap.

11. Food Think barbecue this month.

  • Soda, Pope or Coke (depending upon which part of the country you're from)
  • Beer
  • Condiments
  • Hot Dogs
  • Ground Beef
  • Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns
  • Salad Dressing
  • Chips
  • Ice Cream
  • Popsicles
  • Bottled Water
  • Iced Tea Bags and Mixes