Starkist Tuna Lawsuit

Did you purchase at least one Starkist Chunk Light in Water or Oil 5oz OR Solid White in Water or Oil in the United States between Feb. 19th, 2009 and Oct. 31st, 2014? If so, you qualify for up to a $25 check or $50 worth of FREE Starkist products via the StarKist Tuna Class Action Settlement.

To submit your claim, head here and complete the form no later than November 20th, 2015. You can also request that a copy of the claim form be mailed to you by calling 1-888- 643-6376. You may choose to receive either a cash refund or a voucher for free products. Click here for more information.

** No proof of purchase is necessary to obtain settlement benefits. However, the Claim Form must be signed by you under penalty of perjury (either by hand or, if you submit it online, electronically), affirming that you are a qualified member of the Settlement Class and that the information provided therein is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. **