New Way to Donate With Goodwill


Make a clothing donation to Goodwill without leaving home and without any cost to you!

Give Back Box has partnered with retailers like AmazonLevi’sBon•TonREIAnn Taylor and more to make this possible.

  • Look around your home and pack items you no longer need into a cardboard box like gently used clothing & shoes (no electronics may be donated) – there is no weight limit
  • Download and print as many FREE USPS or UPS prepaid shipping labels as you want and need. If you don’t have a printer or can’t print a shipping label, send an email to – include your address and they will mail you a label.
  • Drop off the box either at the post office or at any UPS stores OR arrange for USPS to have the box picked up from your home.
  • Donations then go directly to your nearest participating Goodwill organization using a free shipping label and Goodwill then sells the donated goods.