In My Mailbox: Oct.28, 2010
/Freebies can sometimes take a long time to show up, but when they do, it's like Christmas in the mailbox! Here is what I've gotten recently:
- Bio True contact solution from Costco
- Clarins lipstick sample
- Garnier shampoo sample
- Vaseline lotion sample
- Colgate toothpaste for kids from Vocalpoint
- Aleve free sample from Sam's Club
To keep up on the latest freebies and offers, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. We also have many freebies on the site, look for the freebies link in the top menu. All the freebies are organized by category and alphabetically, to make it easy to find what you need.
If you find a freebie or great deal, please let us know and we'll post it, thanks! :)